What Is Twitter And What Is The Use of Twitter

Many of The new bloggers are not familer with Twitter. They don't know about the twitter, What Is The Use Of Twitter and how to use it. First of all I want to define Twitter. " Twitter is a Micro-Blogging Service That allows us to send updates about our selfs,about our life,about our around and also about out blogs/websites updates and services to our followers and friends. This is Text-Based Service which allows us to send posts of upto 140 characters in length.Many of the famous bloggers use it to send their updated. We can use it as chatting as by replying to all the followers with @(their name). The Message we send on this service is know as tweet.

The Twitter site's fundamental question is "what are you doing?" This is simple to understand that send a message to all of your friends that what are you doing right now. Tell them that you are using internet just for surfing, Playing Games, listening to Music Or Found Something Speacial on internet Just twitt It to them.In countries all around the world, people follow the sources most relevant to them and access information via Twitter as it happens—from breaking world news to updates from friend.

So Hope All of The New Bloggers Now Understands The Micro Blogging Concept Twitter. Please Don't Forget To leave Your Valuable Comments.If Possible Than Follow Me At my Twitter Profile for Updates.

